'A Breath of Snow and Ashes' by Diana Gabaldon
The year is 1772, and on the eve of the American Revolution, the long fuse of rebellion has already been lit. Men lie dead in the streets of Boston, and in the backwoods of North Carolina, isolated cabins burn in the forest.
With chaos brewing, the governor calls upon Jamie Fraser to unite the backcountry and safeguard the colony for King and Crown. But from his wife Jamie knows that three years hence the shot heard round the world will be fired, and the result will be independence — with those loyal to the King either dead or in exile. And there is also the matter of a tiny clipping from The Wilmington Gazette, dated 1776, which reports Jamie’s death, along with his kin. For once, he hopes, his time-traveling family may be wrong about the future.
First of all, I have to say - I Loved it!!
Jamie and Claire are living in North Carolina on Frazer Ridge with Roger, Brianna and wee Jem - I love his character. There are so many characters; Ian, Lizzie, the twins, Jocasta, Fergus, Marsail, Germain, Joseph, Malva, Alan, Tom, Lord John, Duncan, Stephen Bonnet.......it's all of them that make this story, they all have a part to play in the lives of Jamie and Claire. Some are not so good parts as others! The time is near the American Revolution (1772) and chaos is brewing. The governor calls on Jamie Fraser to bring the men of Frazer Ridge together and fight for king and crown. Jamie also lives with the knowledge of a newspaper clipping dated 1776 a few years a head, which reports the death of him and his family. He still hopes Claire has got it all wrong.
This book made me laugh out loud and cry - lots! It has everything, love, rape (cried lots here ((can't say who/when etc. as don't want to ruin it)) felt like I was screaming at the book 'NO'!), murder, stealing, death, births, lying, illness, fire, other travellers and revenge (yes I can just picture it now, Jamie and the sound of drums....). There is so much, it's so hard to not write things without spoiling bits from the story.
I loved it - I love that once again I was taken into the lives of Jamie and Claire, their ups and their downs and how their love for each other will overcome all.
Another fantastic read. Looking forward to starting the next one in the series.
Would highly recommend
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